Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx HCW’22
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Jill Peak
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog
OD (4,1) 1 Halliday & Yu’s Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx.
3 yrs old Picard Sheepdog. Lovely type, excellent head proportions, nice eye and expression, clean neck and shoulders, plenty bone, good legs and feet, nice body and outline, moved well. Best Dog & Best of Breed.
AV Open Dog Stakes
Judge: Mr W Armstrong
Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA) HCJW’22 HCW’22
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Jill Peak
Reserve Best Of Sex AV Import Register
Best Puppy Bitch AV Import Register
1st Puppy Bitch
PB (4) 1 Halliday & Yu’s Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica.
10 months old Picardy Sheepdog. Very nice type, moved and showed well. Good head proportions, enough neck, good shoulders, straight legs, nice feet, body well balanced, good quarters and set on. Best Puppy Bitch.
AV Eukanuba Puppy Stakes
Judge: Richard Kinsey