AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Colin Russell (Jestikka)
Reserve Best AV Import Register
2nd Open Dog/Bitch
2 Yu & Hallidays Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) Picardy Sheepdog. This dog was the conversational topic all the way home after the show with my wife and I. (I feel a new breed coming into our life). This dog is just over two years, head showing good size for a dog and in proportion to the overall size of the dog, ears high set carried erect, neck strong and of good length, front end well set and elbows well under, top line was let down as the rear end was set to far back to give it a more perpendicular line on the rear end. Moved out well and was balanced on the move.
Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)