A.V. “Crufts 2022 Qualified” Stakes
Judge: Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
1 Pascale Enzotica (Imp) I have judged this Picardy Sheepdog when he was a puppy and he has matured well. What an appealing breed, think they could well become popular, if others are as good as him. He is of good size, masculine without being overdone in any way. He has a super harsh coat, and crisp. Ease of gait holding a good shape.
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Diane Stewart-Ritchie (Gwendariff)
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch
1st: Yu & Halliday: PASCALE ENZOTICA (Imp DNK); (Picardy). (B.A.V.I.R.) This medium sized French Sheepdog was really well conditioned, strong without coarseness. He is elegant and is very well put together. I particularly liked his character. Smart and aware of everything around him. What a little cracker. Harsh coat, good head shape with dark eye, medium and oval in shape and his erect high set ears all frame his face. Strong muscular neck leading into nicely angulated forequarters. Good spring of rib of good length to short loin. Slight tuck up. Good bone, tight feet and what a smart little mover he is, such an easy gait with great reach and with an easy, efficient stride .Not only is he a smart one, but his character had so much appeal. Worked in unison with his compassionate handler.
Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)