Reserve Best Of Breed Stakes
Judge: Di Butler
1 .Yu & Halliday’s ..Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)..Picardy Sheepdog. Two yr old boy of exceptional quality has the most beautiful head with parallel planes. Drew me in to his exceptional dark eyes, his expression melted my heart. Clean strong muscular neck blending smoothly into correct shoulders. Tight elbows, deep chest, well sprung ribs, level top line, well muscled rear. Exceptional crisp coat. Lit up the ring with his fluid effortless movement. Glided around the ring with his handler in complete unison. Will be watching this young man as I fell under his spell.
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Cath Moffat
Reserve Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch
1 Yu & Halliday’s Pascale Enzotica (imp DNK). Picardy Sheepdog of 2 years, presented well. Loved his calm and confident temperament. Appealing head with lovely expression. Nicely angulated but could be a little straighter in front. Moved steadily in all directions, RBOB.
Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)