Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA) NL Jr Ch HCJW’22 HCW’22
Pastoral Group
Judge: Derek Allsopp (Sandmel)
Group 2
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Derek Allsopp (Sandmel)
Best Of Breed AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch
1 Yu And Halliday’s Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (Imp.USA),NL.JR.CH.HCJW’22,HCW’22
Nearly 15 months old Picardy Sheepdog, Bitch, have judged previously and still like her, has a lovely feminine head and expression, correct shoulders, lovely front, correct texture of coat, lovely body, good bone, good angulation, moved well and was well presented.
Was pleased to award her Best A.V. Imported Breed Register Pastoral and Pastoral Group 2.