Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA) NL Jr Ch HCJW’22 HCW’22
Best IR In Show
Judge: Chris van de Burgt (Norvanik)
1. Yu/Halliday’s Dolce of Xanadu’s Aria for Enzotica Jr Ch HcJW’22 HcW’22 (imp USA).
Picardy Sheepdog, excellent breed type with harsh coat of correct length, long eyebrows and well set correct ears, oval dark eyes, strong neck, proud head carriage, body slightly longer than high as it should be, well muscled rear, moved soundly on super feet, sympathetically handled, Best Import In Show.
Pastoral Group
Judge: Louise Paterson (Eriksfjord)
Pastoral Group 3
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Louise Paterson (Eriksfjord)
Best Of Breed AV Import Register
1st Open Bitch
OB 1 Yu and Halliday Dolce of Xanadu’s Aria for Enzotica (Imp USA) NL J CH
Picardy Sheepdog – Good coat and texture. Very balanced. Nice dark eyes of good shape. Good head shape and moved out well. Best Import Register, Pastoral Group 3.
Group Critique: Moved well and consistently.
AV “Scratch Card” Junior Stakes
Judge: Chris van de Burgt (Norvanik)
Enzo – NL Ch Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx HCW’22
AV “Crufts Qualified 2023” Open Stakes
Judge: Chris van de Burgt (Norvanik)
2. Yu/Halliday’s NL Ch. Pascale Enzotica (imp DNK) ShCEx HCW 22.
Picardy Sheepdog, excellent size and type, correct coat and length, good shoulders and top-line, lovely head carriage, moved super sound. Fawn, well chiselled foreface, enough stop, good nostrils, oval medium eye, correct ears, good level top-line held on the move which was super sound.
AV “Scratch Card” Open Stakes
Judge: Chris van de Burgt (Norvanik)