Pastoral Group
Judge: Krystyan Greenland (Rajarani)
Group 2
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Krystyan Greenland (Rajarani)
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch
1st: Yu & Halliday’s Pascale Enzotica (Imp DNK). Picardy Sheepdog. An upstanding, impressive dog
with a beautiful outline. His head is in proportion to his size. Skull and muzzle appear equal in length.
Good parallel head planes. Stop is not over done or too blocky. Typical beard and whiskers are
present. Medium size eyes which are oval in shape and the colour blends with his coat colour. Ears
are high set when alert. Neck is moderate in length and leads to very well laid shoulders. Good
return to upper arm. Just right for proportions. Chest reaches to elbows and has the correct length
of foreleg. Moderate turn to stifles. Tail is well set. Great coat texture for me. Super mover from all
angles. A really super dog. Just lost a little interest in the group, but apart from that put up a
faultless performance. Best Past. Import Register
Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)