8-July-2022 – East Of England Championship Show

Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA) NL Jr Ch HCJW’22 HCW’22

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Hazel Fitzgibbon
Best Puppy Bitch
1st Puppy Bitch


PB (3, 1) 1 Stardust Halo Dolce of Xanadu’s Aria for Enzotica (Imp Usa) Hcjw’22 Hcw’22, Picardy Sheepdog (Yu & Halliday).
Very typical Picardy. Scored on the move, so precise for a youngster. Lovely outline with enough coat of good texture for age. Soft expression and correct eye shape. Well let down into legs. Excellent angles.

Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx HCW’22

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Hazel Fitzgibbon
4th Open Dog

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