Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx HCW’22
Judge: Robert Hitchcock (Bobitch/Lizlanmor)
Pastoral Adult Group
Judge: Cheryl Pierpoint (Chepam)
Group 1
1.Top spot to the super Picardy Sheepdog, Yu & Halliday, PASCALE ENZOTICA (IMP DK). Just didn’t put a foot wrong, to take the Group. So very balanced & sound all through with excellent movement & footfall.
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Cheryl Pierpoint (Chepam)
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch
Open D/B 3(1) 1. Yu & Halliday; PASCALE ENZOTICA (Imp DNK) ShCEx
Picardy Sheepdog male, rising 3yrs. He has elegance with a powerful body. Typical in head, body and outline with strength through his neck into an excellent level back. Skull & muzzle of equal length & parallel, with high set ears. Excellent strong scissor bite & dark pigment. Good depth of ribs & taut loin. Moderately angulated rear. Good harsh coat texture with fine undercoat. He moved so true around the ring, with excellent foot fall, parallel front & rear.
Happy to award him Best Imp Breed Reg Pastoral & well-deserved Pastoral Group 1, in excellent company.
AV Open Dog Stakes
Judge: Robert Hitchcock (Bobitch/Lizlanmor)
Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA) HCJW’22 HCW’22
Pastoral Puppy Group
Judge: Cheryl Pierpoint (Chepam)
Group 2
2. Picardy Sheepdog, Yu & Halliday, STARDUST HALO DOLCE OF XANADU’S ARIA FOR ENZOTICA (IMP USA) Lovely youngster in hard condition, super type & moving true and sound.
AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Cheryl Pierpoint (Chepam)
Reserve Best AV Import Register
Best Puppy AV Import Register
1st Junior Dog/Bitch
Jnr D/B 3(0) 1. Yu & Halliday; STARDUST HALO DOLCE OF XANADU’S ARIA FOR ENZOTICA (IMP USA) Picardy Sheepdog.
So composed & together at 10 months. She has instant appeal for type and movement. Good equal proportions in skull & muzzle with alert expression & high set on ears of good shape. She has an excellent neck and shoulder placement & a strong, level top-line which was maintained whilst moving. Harsh topcoat with a fine undercoat. Firm body developing well with strength in bone yet still so feminine. Her movement was effortless and true coming and going.
Pleased to award her Best Puppy Imp Reg, Res BOB Imp Reg & Pastoral Puppy Group 2.
AV Open Dog Stakes
Judge: Robert Hitchcock (Bobitch/Lizlanmor)