Tag: Premier Open Show

21-Jun-2022 – Royal Cheshire Premier Open Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at Royal Cheshire Premier Open Show
Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA) HCJW’22 HCW’22

Pastoral Puppy Group
Judge: Christina Chapman (Bukris) 
Group 3


3. Yu/Halliday Picardy Sheepdog.
Good well proportioned head, lovely eyes and super ears. Well balanced for age as is angulation, also nicely muscled so movement is positive and easy with already nice drive from the hocks. Puppy Group 3.

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Sue Bird (Bridus)
Reserve Best AV Import Register
Best Puppy AV Import Register
1st Puppy Dog/Bitch


1st: HALLIDAY & YU’s Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA)
10 month feminine bitch, nice head planes with alert expression, erect high set ears, clean neck of good length, shoulders long and sloping with elbows fitting close under body, good length of body, well angulated hindquarters with lovely muscle tone for her age, coat harsh, moved out well.
BPAV Imp Reg; actually considered her for best AV Import Reg and pleased to see her placed 3rd in Pastoral Puppy Group.

AV Puppy Stakes
Judge: Jackie Kitchener (Michandy)

Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx HCW’22

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Sue Bird (Bridus)
Reserve Best AV Import Register
2nd Open Dog/Bitch


2nd: HALLIDAY & YU’s Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx
Just coming up to 3 years and in profile is a stunning boy, masculine all through with harsh coat and alert whole time, today didn’t appear to be moving as steady as I’ve seen him go in the past.
R BAV Imp Reg.

12-Jun-2022 – Ashfield (Notts) Canine Society Premier Open Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at Ashfield (Notts) Canine Society Premier Open Show
Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx HCW’22


Judge: Robert Hitchcock (Bobitch/Lizlanmor)

Pastoral Adult Group
Judge: Cheryl Pierpoint (Chepam)
Group 1


1.Top spot to the super Picardy Sheepdog, Yu & Halliday, PASCALE ENZOTICA (IMP DK). Just didn’t put a foot wrong, to take the Group. So very balanced & sound all through with excellent movement & footfall.

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Cheryl Pierpoint (Chepam)
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch


Open D/B 3(1) 1. Yu & Halliday; PASCALE ENZOTICA (Imp DNK) ShCEx
Picardy Sheepdog male, rising 3yrs. He has elegance with a powerful body. Typical in head, body and outline with strength through his neck into an excellent level back. Skull & muzzle of equal length & parallel, with high set ears. Excellent strong scissor bite & dark pigment. Good depth of ribs & taut loin. Moderately angulated rear. Good harsh coat texture with fine undercoat. He moved so true around the ring, with excellent foot fall, parallel front & rear.
Happy to award him Best Imp Breed Reg Pastoral & well-deserved Pastoral Group 1, in excellent company.

AV Open Dog Stakes
Judge: Robert Hitchcock (Bobitch/Lizlanmor)

Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA) HCJW’22 HCW’22

Pastoral Puppy Group
Judge: Cheryl Pierpoint (Chepam)
Group 2


2. Picardy Sheepdog, Yu & Halliday, STARDUST HALO DOLCE OF XANADU’S ARIA FOR ENZOTICA (IMP USA) Lovely youngster in hard condition, super type & moving true and sound.

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Cheryl Pierpoint (Chepam)
Reserve Best AV Import Register
Best Puppy AV Import Register
1st Junior Dog/Bitch


Jnr D/B 3(0) 1. Yu & Halliday; STARDUST HALO DOLCE OF XANADU’S ARIA FOR ENZOTICA (IMP USA) Picardy Sheepdog.
So composed & together at 10 months. She has instant appeal for type and movement. Good equal proportions in skull & muzzle with alert expression & high set on ears of good shape. She has an excellent neck and shoulder placement & a strong, level top-line which was maintained whilst moving. Harsh topcoat with a fine undercoat. Firm body developing well with strength in bone yet still so feminine. Her movement was effortless and true coming and going.
Pleased to award her Best Puppy Imp Reg, Res BOB Imp Reg & Pastoral Puppy Group 2.

AV Open Dog Stakes
Judge: Robert Hitchcock (Bobitch/Lizlanmor)

1-June-2022 – Reading & District Kennel Association Premier Open Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at Reading & District Kennel Association Premier Open Show
Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx

Pastoral Group
Judge: Debbie Stansbury (Woodbriar)
Group 4

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Debbie Stansbury (Woodbriar)
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch


1st – Pascale Enzotica – ShCEx (Imp Dnk) – Picardy Sheepdog
2.9 years male, medium sized well constructed with a clearly masculine head. Typical high set ears, good head shape with long eyebrows. Rugged in appearance with a harsh coat & yet still having elegance. Moved freely from all angles.
Best Imp Reg & Group 4

AV Open Stakes
Judge: Lee Cox (Vantonia)

Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA)

Pastoral Puppy Group
Judge: Debbie Stansbury (Woodbriar)
Puppy Group 3

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Debbie Stansbury (Woodbriar)
Best Puppy AV Import Register
Reserve Best AV Import Register
1st Junior Dog/Bitch


1st – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (Imp USA) – Picardy Sheepdog
9 month attractive female of good make & shape with correct angulation front & rear showing in her sound movement. She has typical high set ears with long eyebrows & is rugged in
Best Imp Reg Puppy & Puppy Group 3




9-Apr-2022 – Wellingborough & District Canine Society Premier Open Show

Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Marion Hodgson (Ddalrus)
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch


O 1 Yu and Halliday’s, Picardy, Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx
Medium sized, slightly longer to height. Well muscled but would like a bit more body weight which will come with maturity. Coat also still to finish but is harsh, good length. Framework is very well made, clean front, well laid shoulders and placed elbows. Good depth of chest, strong topline with slight slope to croup. Strong rear quarters with parallel limbs. Good lengths muzzle to skull, slight stop. Alert ear and eye. Moved well. Unfortunately was unsettled in the larger group ring. Best AV(P) Import.

12-Feb-2021 – National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society Premier Open Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society Premier Open Show
Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Howard Ogden
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch


O (4) 1 Halliday & Yu’s Pascale Enzotica. 2.5yrs Picardy Sheepdog d; v striking breed representative of correct, but varied, proportions both in head & body; correct & functionally rugged appearance; 50:50 in head with parallels; ex ears; body slightly longer than height at withers; correct underline; well matured in rib, chest & loin; compact feet with dark nails; crisply coated; well shown & moved true that was functionally efficient with free, but moderate, reach. BOB.

Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA)

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Howard Ogden
Best Puppy AV Import Register
1st Puppy Dog/Bitch


P(3) 1 Halliday & Yu’s Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (Imp, USA). 6m,2days Picardy Sheepdog b; coped pretty well with learning the ropes, first time out; was functionally watchful of me from across the ring so as to show off an ex headpiece of 50:50 proportions with parallels & distinctive ears; desired length in backline with matching underline; unexaggerated angulation to give moderate reach as well as v sound; promise of a gd jacket; should surely bloom in the more natural, outdoor show environment just ahead. BPIB.

5-Feb-2022 – Isle Of Ely Canine Society Premier Open Show

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Ray Morland (Triken)
Reserve Best AV Import Register
2nd Open Dog/Bitch


2 Yu & Halliday’s Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) Picardy Sheepdog, shown in excellent condition, has an alert expression and pleasing outline, good coat and movement. RBOB

Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)

18-Dec-2021 – Darwen Canine Society Premier Open Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at Darwen Canine Society Premier Open Show

Pastoral Group
Judge: Russell Mosedale (Knightsbay)
Group Shortlist

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Russell Mosedale (Knightsbay)
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch


1 Pascale Enzotica (Imp DNK), lovely Picardy Shepherd, very much taken with this boy, medium size and solid throughout, has most appealing outline and shape which naturally draw you eye to his qualities, head of correct proportion and of equal lengths, good furrow, long eyebrows, eyes of medium size and oval in shape ears erect and set on high, strong jaw, strong and muscular neck leading into well placed shoulders, elbows close to body, quality bone, feet compact, deep chest, ribs well-sprung, correct croup, moderate bend of stifle, well-muscled with second thigh muscle, moved with reach drive, excellent harsh coat. BAV Import, short listed in the group, just started to fade on the final run but breed which I would expect to do well in future, delighted to be able to judge a quality boy.

Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)

26-Sept-2021 – Poole Premier Open Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at Poole Premier Open Show

Pastoral Group
Judge: Karen Angier (Bilyara)
Group 1 – Breed History!

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Karen Angier (Bilyara)
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch


1 Yu & Halliday’s Pascale Enzotica (Imp Dnk) Picardy Sheepdog + BOB + Group 1. Lively alert boy with a balanced head good parallel planes. Oval eyes enhanced by his long eyebrows. Good pigmentation. Excellent expression. High set ears. Clean neck leading into muscular well shaped body with well sprung ribs and correct depth of chest. Good compact feet. In great condition with his harsh coat. An excellent ambassador for the breed a delight to judge. Movement effortless with correct moderate reach.

Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)

18-Sept-2021 – Exeter & County Premier Open Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at Exeter & County Premier Open Show

Pastoral Group
Judge: Bev White
Group Shortlist

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Bev White
Best AV Import Register
1st Open Dog/Bitch


1. Yu and Halliday’s Pascale Enzotica (Picardy Sheepdog). Loved this dog – his calmness, self-assurance, and yet obvious joy at being in the ring was there to see. His overall balance with his good reach of neck set into sloping shoulders, good length of back and moderately angulated hind quarters gave an overall impression of elegance. His coat was harsh and his facial furnishings good giving him a rugged appearance. His movement was light and effortless, and he looked as though he could do a day’s work. So impressive. BoB

Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)