Tag: Jenny Miller

28-Oct-2022 – Midland Counties Championship Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at the Midland Counties Championship Show
Enzo – NL Ch Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK) ShCEx HCW’22

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
Best Of Breed AV Import Register
1st Open Dog


OD (4) 1 Nl Ch Pascale Enzotica (Imp Dnk) ShCEx Hcw’22 (Yu & Halliday)
Picardy Sheepdog I remember judging this boy at one of his first shows and he lacked confidence with his owner. Now he has grown, developed and matured he is so sure footed and confident and now shows so well. Lovely medium sized boy of a good size and nice length very well put together, well muscled and strong. Good size to his well balanced well worked head with nice chiselling to his head. Lovely erect ears so well carried. Oval dark medium eyes covered with nice brows. Good length to his strong neck, firm backline of good length. Deep chest with good width, a well ribbed back body with depth and substance all covered in a harsh rough fawn coat of good length. Well muscled strong moderate angulation. Well boned legs and compact feet, very positive sound mover with true fluid action. Best Of Breed.

AV Kennel Club Good Citizen Stakes
Judge: Jenny Miller (Feorlig)

Halo – Stardust Halo Dolce Of Xanadu’s Aria For Enzotica (IMP USA) NL Jr Ch HCJW’22 HCW’22

AV Imported Breed Register Pastoral
Judge: Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
Reserve Best Bitch AV Import Register
2nd Open Bitch


OB (4,1) 2 Stardust Halo Dolce of Xanadu’s Aria for Enzotica (Imp Usa) Nl Jr Ch Hcjw’22 Hcw’22 (Yu & Halliday)
Just a 12 months baby this Picardy Sheepdog who has grown into a lovely youngster but needing to develop and mature, looks very immature against the older dogs but she is developing nicely and surely be a stunner of her breed. Presented in a harsh fawn jacket well conditioned. Good head correctly developed and coated with good brows over her dark eyes and furnishing over her muzzle. Good neck to shoulders, into a firm backline over a strong body with was well ribbed back. Lovely front angle with depth to her chest, hindquarters developing nice with good return of stifle and let down hocks. Straight well boned and coated legs and tight compact feet but today moved out but was very distracted. Reserve Best Bitch.



29-Feb-2020 – Swindon & District Canine Society Open Show

Picardy Sheepdog / Berger Picard at Swindon & District Canine Society Open Show

Pastoral Puppy Group
Judge: Jacqui Downes
Group 3

AV Imported Breed Register (All Groups)
Judge: Jenny Miller
Best Puppy AV Import Register
Reserve Best AV Import Register
1st Puppy Dog/Bitch
2nd Open Dog/Bitch


1 Yu & Hallidays’ Pascale (Imp Dnk), Picardy Sheepdog. Having read the standard felt he was of good quality and constructed medium sized young boy. Super well coated head of good proportion, nice skull shape with slight furrow dividing, lovely oval darkish eye with high set on erect ears giving good expression. Little unsure of himself but at 7 months has time on his side. Strong neck into a medium sized body a fraction longer than he was tall. Presented in hard condition with correct angles, well sprung and ribbed back, harsh flat fawn jacket. Muscular well boned legs and compact feet, moved out well and soundly just needs to settle a little. BP IMP res

Enzo – Pascale Enzotica (IMP DNK)